If you are looking for information on effective anti-slip treatments, or merely curious about SLIP TECH’s
non-slip product, peruse the questions below.
What is the SLIP TECH process?
SLIP TECH Floor and Safety treatment uses technology from the computer chip industry to make tiled
surfaces extremely slip resistant through micro-etching. The surface does not look rough to the human
eye, but with a high-powered microscope it looks like the Himalayan Mountains with millions of peaks and
valleys. When a shoe makes contact with the wet tile, water is evacuated, forming a suction that greatly
decreases slipping.
Does it work on all surfaces?
The SLIP TECH technology works on any form of ceramic tile, most stone surfaces, and agglomerates
(resin-based rock products). Anything with a silica molecular base, including concrete responds very
well to a SLIP TECH treatment. Unfortunately, the process does not currently work on wood, vinyl, or
epoxy floors.
How do we know it really works?
Architects and Engineers deal with a measurement called COF (coefficient of friction--the ratio of the
weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object
and the surface). The COF is a scale with measurements from zero to one, with one being the most slip
resistant. Historically, any tile floor with a rating of 0.5 was considered safe. The ADA (American with
Disabilities Act) standards for slip resistance recommended 0.6 for level floors and 0.8 for ramps. By
comparison, a COF of 0.6 means that you can literally run on ceramic tile while it is wet. SLIP TECH
guarantees that your tile will meet 0.6, or they will pay for the test. Most SLIP TECH treated floors
test from 0.7 to 0.8. Some tests have surpassed 0.9!
Why is SLIP TECH better than a coating?
It has been SLIP TECH's experience that topical coatings (acrylic, urethane, etc.) do not work well on
tile or stone. These materials are so dense that the coating does not adhere properly and deteriorates
in a short period of time. The same is true for coatings that contain sand or aluminum oxide. In the
latter case, the particles pop out leaving a slippery, pockmarked floor. Removing these coatings can be
very costly, as well as time consuming and messy.
How long does the SLIP TECH treatment last?
Some SLIP TECH treated floors have lasted as long as we have been in business--over twenty years. In
general, we say that you can expect a treatment to last about 10 years. At the time of this writing we have not had a claim, and do not expect one. Amortizing the expense of a
SLIP TECH treatment over three years makes the cost practically irrelevant. One lawsuit for a slip-fall
injury, can dwarf the cost of SLIP TECH treatment by a factor of thousands.
Are there any warranties or guarantees?
SLIP TECH has both. We guarantee you that your floor will meet a COF of at least
0.6. We also have a pro-rated warranty that the floor will remain slip resistant
for up to 3 years.
Will it change the appearance of the flooring?
With the exception of some marble, a SLIP TECH treatment will cause a minimal change in appearance.
However, this is rarely a factor. Considering the reduction in legal liability, any reduction in gloss
is insignificant. Remember, it is the gloss that causes the slip problem.
How about cleaning?
The cleaner the floor, the more effective the treatment. If dirt, oil, and other contaminates are
allowed to remain on the floor, they will cover the microscopic grooves and the COF will go down
dramatically. Beware of companies insisting that you use their expensive floor cleaning products. Any
commercially available "free-rinsing" (pH neutral) cleaner is all you will need. A thorough rinsing is more
important than expensive, private label, cleaners.
Who actually applies the treatment?
SLIP TECH firmly believes that only tile professionals should be trusted to work on your floors.
Moreover, they should have extensive training by SLIP TECH instructors in the various applications and
techniques. You must remember that all of these processes involve putting acid on your tile or stone
floor. This should be done with great caution, and only by trained professionals. SLIP TECH likes to
have a sample of the tile first so that they can experiment to obtain the ideal formulation. Also,
despite what others may claim, there is no such thing as one bottle that does it all. The formula for
porcelain is different than for quarry, and the formula for marble is vastly different than for granite,
Will my business be disrupted?
No. Most SLIP TECH applications are performed in the evenings or on weekends. Sometimes, even those time
periods can be impossible. But, with years of experience (since 1986), we can perform any job with a
minimum of inconvenience.
How long does it take to complete?
A vast majority of SLIP TECH applications are completed by the next day. A trained crew anticipates 500
square feet per hour from start to finish.
How much do you charge?
Our installation costs are $2.00 to $3.00 per square foot. Such factors as size, location and degree of
difficulty all go into determining the final price. Occasionally, some form of penetrating sealer is
recommended at a small, additional, cost.
Can SLIP TECH reduce my insurance costs?
Check with your insurance agent; however, in many cases, insurance companies have been willing to
negotiate a lower rate. This is especially true with Workmen's Compensation Coverage. If the slip
accident rate is decreased, then the premium should automatically go down.
Are there any tax credits?
The U.S. Government has established certain tax credits for small businesses. Check with your accountant
about IRS Form 8826 for applicability of ADA credit.
Does SLIP TECH have any competition?
New, smaller companies, with their own ideas, are constantly going in and out of business all the time.
Small entrepreneurs should be checked for insurance, and licensing requirements, when applicable.
Franchises are often a case of the blind leading the blind. Several companies started franchises without
first learning the business themselves. Ask how many years the franchiser has operated in the field
before enticing others to make an investment. You want to be certain that the contracting company you do
business with will be around long enough to honor any warranties, guarantees, or re-applications.
Are there any specifications
Most certainly. Using the CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) format, SLIP TECH has developed
complete specifications to be used by architects, contractors, etc.
What else can SLIP TECH do?
SLIP TECH has served as a consultant or conduit for various tile-related problems. Feel free to call
with any question. If SLIP TECH does not know the answer, they will probably know someone who does!
Who has used SLIP TECH?
For a complete list of references, call (415) 905-4497